Friday, February 19, 2010

February 5, 2010 – Hiccup & Activity Alert!

Yesterday was hiccup day.  It started after I gargled.  Took the anti-hiccup med and the ‘cups settled down.  Ate my lunch.  Took a long pull of Gatorade (part of my 2 liter per day requisite) and the hiccups came on strong.  Waited an hour and took another med.  An hour later (!), they settled down again.

Ann came home from work and I began to swig Orange Gatorade again (I-Man & Sandy must be proud, though if they ever talked politics, it’d be better than a UF-FlaState football game), which led to more hiccups, another med, and another hour of ‘cupping.  A side effect of the ‘cup med is drowsiness.  And that began to hit me.  So I went off to bed and slept like a drunken baby.

My Mom and I have always had this tendency to hiccup when drinking carbonated beverages.  You may remember going out to eat with me in the days when I cherished stout.   I’d gulp two pints before the food arrived, because mixing food and carbonation led to instant, lasting hiccups.  So, here they lie in wait again.

My mantra for today: small sips, tiny gulps, and wait…

At work, we’re repairing freezer floors.  The jackhammers’ assault and the removal of large squares of material raise a fog of large particle concrete and insulation dust.  Which I need to stay away from.  So, I sit at home and I realize I’ve got to get up and move around.  Originally, Ann and I decided to wait until the 5FU pump was disconnected on Saturday until I tried a bike ride.  Once my head is clearer, I’m attempting a short ride.  This afternoon, Rudy & Lacey Dog have vet appointments.  I may come along for the ride.  The worst thing I can do is sit on my rump or lie down and feel dazed.  Geez, I may start feeling sorry for myself and that would even be more worser, might effect my ability to pound these keys.  And reflect.  Deflect.  Object. And objectify.  Maybe mentally fry…

Laura, you wondered how well DFCI’s clinicians have prepared me for the treatments.  I think they’ve done a good job.  Nothing has been sugar coated and nothing has been fearful.  It’s what I’ve got to do.  I feel trust and care.  The hiccups were an unexpected side effect, but I have to expect the unexpected, too.  And you said to keep writing if I can bear it.  Given the dark source of much of my poetry, how could I not bear?  It’s much easier to write from adversary.  Happy is tough to express – at least, it feels that way to me.   Oh, and the port is working well – thanks, Laura!

Well, off to de-daze de-glaze my brain.  My bike awaits.  Tomorrow, I can shower (finally) but I can sponge today.


Ride was good.  12 minutes at normal resistance instead of my daily 36.  Tomorrow, without the 5FU pump, I’ll go for 18, then see.

My head is still in a cloud.  Chemistry was never my strong suit.  Guess the chemo is kicking in.  My sweet cousin Arlene warned me that reading might get challenging on chemo.  I’m in the midst of a book I normally couldn’t put down, Jennifer Egan’s “The Invisible Circus”, near the denouncement, and must take it, like the Gatorade, in sips.

Hopefully, this update is coherent.  I’ll find out in a couple of weeks!



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