Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010 – Radiation treatment 3 [32 to go]

Three treatments down, thirty-two to go.  I'm 1/12th of the way through radiation!

Ann & I had an easy commute to Dana Farber this morning.  You can never tell how a drive into Boston will go during rush hour.  We arrived about forty-five minutes early for our 8:40 am appointment.  We’re starting to recognize the patients who have treatments around the same time as mine.  Everyone is upbeat and positive.  Everyone looks good.

Today, we met a couple whose slot is normally at 10:00 am.  The husband is also being treated for throat cancer and also has Dr. H as his oncologist and team leader.  His treatment path is similar to mine with the same three 21 day chemo cycles before radiation.  The reason he was in early is that he was having his stomach tube put in today.  He started radiation on April 1st, so he is about a half month ahead of me.  He looks good and is pain free.  While he was being radiated, his wife & Ann talked about watching husbands go through cancer treatment.  The couple is much younger than us, he’s 40, and they have two young children.  It was helpful for me to see someone two plus weeks ahead of me in treatment looking well and still eating normally.  My stomach tube goes in on April 30th.  Guess Friday is tube day!

My treatment was similar to the first two, except I needed two adjustments by the tech before I was lined up to their satisfaction.  One of the techs was especially interested in today’s musical choice, selections from Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins’ Rabbit Fun Coat.  With the adjustments, I was on the table longer and heard the following songs: “Run Devil Run”, “Rise Up With Fists”, “Handle With Care”, “The Charging Sky”, “Melt Your Heart”, “Rabbit Fur Coat”, “You Are What You Love”, and a bit of “Big Guns.”

I keep forgetting to mention Mesh Face.  When I change back into street clothes, in the mirror is my face, marked by the mesh.  You could use my mug for graph paper or a crossword puzzle.  It’s pretty funny.  I think with Sam’s (costuming) help and a bit of stage makeup, I could be ready for Star Trek!

When we returned home, Ann went grocery shopping and I rode the LifeCycle for twelve minutes at half intensity.  I was debating whether to wait another day, but my back wasn’t stiff from the car rides, so I went for it.  Also, Monday we have multiple appointments at Dana Farber, so now I can ride Sunday and be on the desired every other day ride schedule.  My back feels good but I still need to be gentle with it.

Tonight, we’re going out for supper to El Basha with Jesse & Susan for a little Middle Eastern food.  My appetite is good and I’m up to indulge.  This is the time that my goal is to pack on the pounds.  There is balance in all experiences!

Thanks for all the cards, calls, posts, and emails.  I feel so lucky to be surrounded by love and comfort.  I always know I have friends and family with me, holding me as I walk this path.



1 comment:

  1. I’m so happy to hear that you had another good day with Little Big Bang! I love it that you feel good enough to ride your cycle and to have a food indulgence. I can’t tell you what great comfort I feel knowing that others who are a little further down the treatment road still feel well. Radiation has come a long way and Dana Farber is obviously up to the minute with it.

    We need a picture of meshface, you know that, right? I think you should do the makeup and ride the train back to Worcester at rush hour. We could come up with some really good stories for the commuters.

    I wonder how many of us will sell CDs to radiation techs during your treatments. You have always been a wonderful musical ambassador treating all of us to new discoveries and deeper understanding.

    I hope the treatments keep going this well. Jackie and I play tonight in a little place in German Village. We’ll play some songs especially for you.

    Ride on, my friend.
