Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A little while later...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Haven't been spending much time with my computer.  But there is a lot of news.

I went to Dana-Farber for my appointment with the Swallow Therapist and Nutritionist.  They were surprised to find out that my stomach feeding tube had been removed.  They weren't upset though.  I gained four pounds in the three weeks since I stopped feeding using the tube.  Generally, people lose weight.  They were happy with my diet and progression of adding new foods.

My tube is healing well.  While I was in seeing Swallow and Nutrition, I asked one of the nurses to check the wound.  She thought it looked good.  My steri-strips still haven't come off the incision where my port was removed.  Ann's getting ready to pull them.  Will be two weeks on Wednesday.

I get up at seven, eat breakfast, and take a nap while the food digests.  A month or so ago, I couldn't ride my LifeCycle - my legs weren't strong enough to drive the wheels at low resistance.  Started on the bike again last week.  Am up to 24 minutes at level one.  Before treatment began, I did 36 minutes at level four every morning.  I am getting stronger.  Plan to try 36 minutes tomorrow or the next day, then start gradually upping the level.

I've been going into work in the afternoon for the past couple of weeks.  Still getting back in the swing of things.

My first followup appointment at Dana-Farber with my oncologist is next Wednesday.

Thanks everyone for your support and comfort through my illness and treatments.




  1. So happy to hear this...

    Rock on!

  2. Wow, Richard. Thanks for sharing. Theta

  3. just wanted to say hi , you havent updated for a year , is everything ok?

  4. Everything is well. I paused posting during my rehabilitation from radiation. The rehab period was the most difficult period for me, partly because I was at home and not interacting with other patients and clinicians (partly because the impact of treatment peaked.)

    I am cancer free and now over 15 months since completion of treatment. My body has reached its new normal. My stamina is fine but well below its level before I got sick. Need a daily nap. Can exercise and do most days.

    My swallowing is very good - just eat slowly and avoid super dry foods. My taste buds & sense of smell have "evolved." Food that used to be my favorite (West Asian, Italian pomodoro) are not real enjoyable. Food that I used to rarely eat (Indian, East Asian, in general spicy food, poached eggs) I now love. Not sure if it's good or bad, but I haven't found a dessert that I like. Thankfully, coffee - my prime vice - is once again delicious.

    I wake each morning grateful for the day. I have no bad days; each is precious and should not be wasted. Cancer takes but gives. I learned a lot about myself, gained perspective, and had the wonderful gift of seeing friends & family gather around and help me.

    Next Sunday, I'll walk the Dana-Farber Cancer Walk (opted for the five mile). Last year, I could only be a virtual walker. A year later I look back and recognize how lucky and blessed I am - with friends & family & strangers who prayed - and with the care and expertise of the clinicians and physicians at Dana Farber.

    If you know anyone who is going through diagnosis or treatment for cancer - especially head & neck/throat & tongue - who needs someone to talk or correspond with, please let me know. I relied on the experience of others and am happy & fulfilled to share hand-hold whatever.

    Thanks again everyone. You walked the path with me and I never felt alone.


