Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sorry promise

Friends and family, sorry I have been inconsistent in my posting to the blog.  And then I get concerned messages from folks worried how I am.  So here's my new promise.  I will post three times  a week to the blog.  I'm really sorry if I've caused concern with my negligence.  To say that little has been going on, or that each day is like the one before, is no excuse.

So where am I?  Still having little success with semi-solid/solid foods but am being patient.  Have appointments with oncol, nutritution, swallow therapy on Wednesday.  Maybe I need a kick in the pants, maybe I need to continue with patience.  We'll see.  This is getting tiring, just formula. If I need to toughen up, so be it.

On Friday night, Ann & I joined Jesse & Susan and Pam & Mark at Jazz At Sunset, a now twenty year series held at Worcester's Ecotarium  (indoor/outdoor science museum).  Ann & I stayed for the first set and had a really good time. The concert was a veteran big band featuring a young jazz vocalist.  The vocalist's parents are close friends of the big band players.  That added a special twist to the music.

Dan's in town today.  We visited my folks.

Though I have not posted as often as before, I think about you, my support network, every day.  You are my anchor and your love and concern keep me centered.  




  1. Oh good you are ok.... I havent' been online blogging much either..

    it is not going to happen overnight.. you are doing wonderful... seems sucky but you will get there...

  2. Want me to come over there and kick you in the pants? You'd be a hard one to want to kick, you're so great and all.

    I think you're doing exactly what you need to do. I know, I know, it doesn't feel like it. It feels like the getting better has somehow stalled out. But, it hasn't. I promise you, it hasn't.

    We all love you and think of you whether you blog or not and whether you're able to eat solid food or not ... raw turnips and such. (Did you eat raw turnips before you got sick?)

    It's happening. The healing is happening. And we're all on your side.

    I'll be eager to hear (you probably won't want to do this right now, but somewhere down the road) how this process has affected your relationship with food. Does absence, in the end, make the heart grow fonder? Does it change everything. What will eating be like in a year, I wonder.

    We send you love from the OH state.

  3. Thanks, Laura. I'm just an impatient boy!

  4. Hey BeJae,

    My heart grows fonder for food. Advertisements (magazines, TV, etc.) make my mouth water even if it's for food I don't like. I am sooooo ready for REAL food - food with texture, juicy, mixture of flavors. Simple food sounds divine.

    July Sliding By - what a song. Will take a bit longer!

    Love from the Commonwealth...

