Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mirror daze

Yesterday and today are mirror days.  Three formula meals, swallow exercises, attempts to eat semi-solid/solid food mixed in with a mall walk and naps.

Tomorrow would be very much the same except it is Appointment Day at Dana-Farber.  There is a very busy day planned.  I get blood draw, have an acupuncture session, meet with the Swallow Therapist, the Nutritionist, and see the medical oncology team.  We have lots of questions centered on my swallowing progress.

I have no problem with the physical act of swallowing.  The substance being swallowed burns and/or the tongue and throat muscles hurt (they are still healing.)  I know that I must learn to swallow with comfort to fully recover, I know that I can.  The advice is "keep trying".  Plus, I have such hankering for real food!

Today, Dan started his day in town; his first appointment was here, so he stayed overnight, short commute, extra visit for us.

Thanks everyone for your words of comfort and love.  I think of you, friends and family, when the healing is most challenging.  I never feel alone.




  1. Hey what of that magic mouth stuff... that might help by numbing the area so you can get food down... I had issue with my eusophagus (spell) none as severe as yours but they gave me liquid lortab... that worked ..

    This soon will just be a bad memory for you... hope your wife is well...


  2. Ann is doing well, thanks! She made the ride to and from Boston with ease.

    I use the Magic Mouthwash twice a day, to help swallowing and teeth brushing. My main tumor was at the base of the tongue - where the radiation was aimed - all the tissue there has to regrow and heal. During the growth and healing, I have to keep swallowing no matter the pain - those muscles must be constantly be exercised, three time a day (which hurts, too.) See, I do have a job while healing!


  3. It is hard... I know..you did so wonderful through out this... That mask of yours scared me, I honestly don't think I could have done that over my face with out a panic attack....

    if it is any consolation...I use to sit back and tell myself on my crappy days... "just remember, there is someone out there way worse off" I know that stinks but it helped me to distract it from me..and I got really sick of hearing "God only gives the full plates to those who can handle it" .. I always felt like saying "Well good you take the full plate for a change".. but I didn't.... LOL

  4. I had to see the mask as my friend, not an alter ego. 36 sessions with the mask on - looked at it like sci-fi or spaceflight. At first, it sat on the bedroom chair. Good for nightmares???
